We are building a platform of niche engineered product companies targeting the Aerospace and Defense industries.
Our investors have a multi-decade investment horizon. This creates long-term alignment with our management teams and customers.
We believe that the best decisions are made by those closest to the customer. We run our group in a decentralized manner where local managers maintain control of running operations. We believe this is the optimal model for long-term success.
We focus on acquiring engineered product manufacturing companies with $5m+ EBITDA. Our focus is on acquiring companies that have proprietary products and processes within the Aerospace and Defense industries.
Engineered Products or Processes
Established Market Positions
Valuable Customer Base
Predictable Market Growth
If you think this criteria fits your business, we'd love to hear from you.
Aero 1 was incubated by In Practise, a leading investment research company, alongside experienced operators from leading Aerospace companies.
Our team has conducted multiple acquisitions and has decades of experience running Aerospace and Defense companies globally.
In Practise is a UK-based investment research company serving public market investors globally. Part of our research has focused on understanding the aerospace industry.
An exploration of the aerospace value chain structure
Insight into how Lufthansa runs base and line maintenance internally and for external customers
Insight into how a Former CFM executive sold CFM56 engines over the last few decades
How Honeywell approaches working with suppliers and Boeing
How Boeing has historically approached working with suppliers
A history of Satair and aerospace distribution